Legals mentions
In France, personal data are notably protected by law n ° 78-87 of January 6th, 1978, law n ° 2004-801 of August 6th, 2004, L article. 226-13 of Penal code and European Directive of October 24th, 1995.
In any case our site collects personal information relating to the user (name, electronic address, telephone co-ordinates) only for the need of offered services, notably from the page of contact. The user gives this information knowingly, notably when he undertakes their seizure by himself. He is then specified to the user compulsory character or not information which he would be led to give.
In accordance with the dispositions of the article 34 of law n ° 48-87 of January 6th, 1978, the user has a right of modification of collected data of names concerning. In order to do that, the user can send us:
- a mail at address pointed out above by pointing out its name or its corporate name, its physical and/or electronic co-ordinates, as well as if necessary classifies it which it would have as user of our site. Modification will intervene for the reasonable delays as from the reception of the request of the user.
This Site includes information provisions by external societies or links hypertexts towards other sites which were not developed by us. The contents put in disposition on the Site are given in informative title. The existence of a link of this Site towards another site does not constitute a validation of this site or of its contents. It is up to the internaut to use this information with discretion and critical attitude. Our responsibility could not be committed of fact to information, opinions and recommendations formulated by thirds.
In France, personal data are notably protected by law n ° 78-87 of January 6th, 1978, law n ° 2004-801 of August 6th, 2004, L article. 226-13 of Penal code and European Directive of October 24th, 1995.
In any case our site collects personal information relating to the user (name, electronic address, telephone co-ordinates) only for the need of offered services, notably from the page of contact. The user gives this information knowingly, notably when he undertakes their seizure by himself. He is then specified to the user compulsory character or not information which he would be led to give.
In accordance with the dispositions of the article 34 of law n ° 48-87 of January 6th, 1978, the user has a right of modification of collected data of names concerning. In order to do that, the user can send us:
- a mail at address pointed out above by pointing out its name or its corporate name, its physical and/or electronic co-ordinates, as well as if necessary classifies it which it would have as user of our site. Modification will intervene for the reasonable delays as from the reception of the request of the user.
This Site includes information provisions by external societies or links hypertexts towards other sites which were not developed by us. The contents put in disposition on the Site are given in informative title. The existence of a link of this Site towards another site does not constitute a validation of this site or of its contents. It is up to the internaut to use this information with discretion and critical attitude. Our responsibility could not be committed of fact to information, opinions and recommendations formulated by thirds.